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Coronavirus Resources for Families

Content source: Quality Starts Los Angeles

See our growing list of resources below!

1. On-line Learning Websites:

6) Vooks


2. Additional Literacy/Reading Resources:

  • Reading is Fundamental Activity Calendars (Pre-k): Click on the activities each day to learn more and access additional resources to support early reading activities.

  • Reading is Fundamental Read-Alouds:  Choose from a popular children’s book and watch with your child as it is read aloud.  (Books include: If You Give a Mouse A Cookie, Clark the Shark, Where the Wild Things Are, and more!)

  • Celebrity Read-Alouds:  Check out Storyline Online’s variety of children’s books all read by famous celebrities, such as Oprah Winfrey and Chris Pine.

  • Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL)’s Library At Home:

    • On-line Tutoring: If you already have a library card (or your child is in LAUSD- every child has a Student Success Library Card!) you can log-in to free online tutoring. 11am-11pm. Any grade, any subject.

    • Kids’Path book page: Kids/caregivers can access lots of online read-alouds such as TumbleBook Library, BookFlix, and ScienceFlix.

    • Kids’ ebooks: Access all of LAPL’s kids e-books on this special page!

    • LAPL hosts storytime every weekday at 10am on their Instagram: @lapubliclibrary

  • Los Angeles County Library (LACL) Kids Corner Visit the LACL website for access to children’s e-books, a digital library card application, activities, and more!

    • LACL hosts Virtual Storytimes Monday-Thursday at 11AM and 3:30PM. Virtual Storytimes are available on or Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

    • LACL is launching their Spring & Summer Discovery Program on April 20th for customers of all ages! This program runs through August 3rd, 2020. You’ll be able to find more information here:

  • Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors: This family engagement program has terrific resources for families that are available both in English and En Espanol.

3. Coronavirus Community Resources:

  • Covid-19 Los Angeles County Community Resources:  This list provides a variety of resources from food to educational resources to support for the elderly across LA County.

  • First 5 LA:  List of Community Resources: First 5 LA has put together a comprehensive list of community resources covering coronavirus needs related to food, free internet, information for small businesses and more.

  • WIC On-Line Application and Information:

  • County of Los Angeles: Food Resources The County of Los Angeles has set up a website focused on ensuring those who need it have access to food, either in the form of meals or vouchers to purchase food.  Click the link to find out how to Get Support or Give Support to those in need.

  • LA Regional Food Bank: Use this link to locate an agency distributing food in your area.

    • LA County Parks and Recreation: Free Summer Lunch and Snack Program begins on Tuesday, June 16! Children and youth ages 18 and under receive a “grab and go” nutritious lunch and snack that include vegetables, fruits, seeds and healthy dairy products like milk, string cheese and yogurt, at 49 locations. Click the link to find the closest location.

    • LA County Library: Lunch at the Library: This summer, children ages 18 and younger can visit a participating library and pick up a FREE, nutritious meal.  This program runs June 16-August 7th, Tuesday-Friday from 12-1pm.  Lunch is available for no-contact pick-up on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last. There are no restrictions on family income.  Click the link to find the closest location.

    • CA Meal for Kids Mobile App: The CA Meals for Kids mobile application helps you find nearby California Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs Sites through your iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices. Find sites by physical location, custom map, county, city, zip code and partial site name. Filter searches by service status (e.g. active/inactive) and meal types (e.g. lunch, snacks, etc). Click the link to learn more about this valuable Summer Meal resource!

4. Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus:

  • How to Talk To Young Children About Coronavirus: This article offers great tips for helping navigate conversations with young children about Coronavirus in clear, but not overwhelming, ways that are appropriate for young children.

  • PBSkids for Parents: How to Talk to Your Kids about Coronavirus:  PBS kids for Parents has created a great article full of tips for talking with kids about Coronavirus to ensure their feelings and emotions are addressed as well as resources for handwashing and other health and safety routines.

  • Conscious Discipline: 5 Helpful Responses for Families:  Safety is the brain’s most basic need, followed closely by connection. When we feel unsafe or disconnected, our brains downshift from the parts responsible for learning and problem solving, to the more reaction-based parts. That’s why those challenging behaviors are popping up, and why a minor frustration is now Titanic in size.  We can help children (and ourselves) by creating a sense of safety, connecting, and cultivating a new sense of normal with these five tips.

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